All articles See topics Close action taking 4actionable 1analysis 1art 1attachment 1attention 2attitude 1awe 1behavior change 4behavior patterns 7brain 2business 4calm 3causality 1clarity 4communication 2comparisons 1compassion 1complexity 5control 1creativity 13culture 1daily life 7decision making 2decisions 2defaults 1definition 1deliberateness 2design 1diagnosis 1discomfort 4doing 1education 2emotional labor 1emotions 7empathy 1energy 4entrepreneurship 2environment 5evolution 2excellence 2exercise 1expectations 2experiences 1exploration 1extreme 2failure 2fear 1feedback 5food 1framework 1freedom 1future 6games 3goals 2gratitude 2habits 10hacks 2happiness 1how-to 11change 2idea translation 1ideas 1imagination 1impact 2information 10information organization 1innovation 1intelligence 1interconnectedness 2irrationality 2knowledge 2learning 6life 17limits 3long-term thinking 4meaning 1memory 1mental models 24metaphors 1mind 3mindset shift 1minimalism 1money 2negativity 1new term 5non-linearity 3note taking 1open mind 1optimism 2outcome focus 1overload 2pain 1pattern disruption 1perspective shift 22pessimism 1possibility 1present 2principled thinking 1principles 2prioritizing 1probability 2problem solving 5productivity 25progress 1questions 15reading 1reality 5record keeping 1reflection 10rest 1richness 1self 16self-efficacy 1self-improvement 3skills 1social media 4society 1stress 2subconscious 1success 5systems thinking 1tactics 1technique 2technology 4thinking 2thinking clearly 5time 10time affluence 1tiny steps 1today 5transformation 2traveling 1uncertainty 1usefulness 1visualization 2why 8work 61working backwards 1writing 2 The Maze of Preconceptions A preconception is an idea or opinion you have about something before you really know much about it. So we have these ideas, these thoughts about the future and how it's going to be.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7